•  22/02/2025 10:30 - 22/02/2025 16:30
  •   45 Rue du Borrégo, 75020 Paris, France

Trainer: Anne Candardjis. The arms and hands are often overused, whether by repetitive gestures (computer, instrumental or artistic practice, catering world, etc.) or carrying heavy loads (young parents, handling, etc.). How to address these issues with your students in Functional Integration? In this post-training dedicated to IF, Anne will refine the functioning of the arms in close connection with the center and will give you essential keys to your practice.

  •  02/07/2025 13:00 - 06/07/2025 19:00
  • Location: To Be Announced

Adding one or more scrolls to an IF fundamentally and profoundly changes a student’s availability to learn and grow. Feldenkrais invented and taught many lessons that incorporated scrolls as teaching tools. Unfortunately, we are losing this essential part of Moshe’s methodology. I asked Larry to teach two remarkable and transformative lessons of this type. One is rarely, if ever, taught in training programs, and the other is in danger of disappearing completely from the known IF repertoire.

  •  20/10/2025 10:30 - 24/10/2025 17:00
  •   45 Rue du Borrégo, 75020 Paris, France

5 days of post-training with Julie Peck / 5 days of Advanced Training with Julie Peck

  •  03/09/2024 13:30 - 06/09/2024 16:00
  •   45 Rue du Borrégo, 75020 Paris, France

This module presents an IF given in a side-lying position that fundamentally reorganizes the trunk and spine. Larry contextualizes the lesson for various situations ranging from rehabilitation to performance enhancement. When introducing advanced skeletal and muscular techniques, Larry makes the underlying teaching tactics explicit. But above all, it guides you in integrating what you learn and applying it in your practice. ///// This module presents an FI given in a side-lying position that fundamentally re-organizes the trunk and spine. Larry contextualizes the lesson for various situations ranging from rehabilitation to performance improvement. When he introduces advanced skeletal and muscular techniques, Larry makes the underlying teaching tactics explicit. Most importantly, he guides you in integrating what you learn and applying it in your practice.

  •  13/07/2024 10:30

Our pelvis supports the spine, and the spine supports the head, allowing it to move freely in all planes and in all directions. Our head contains most of our sensory organs that allow us to observe and control our surroundings. Our spine, which connects the pelvis to the head, is made up of 24 vertebrae, whose role is to make our back a solid but flexible structure. Very often, our usual postures and movement patterns cause us to overuse some of these 24 vertebrae and forget about others, making them stiff. During this course, we will guide our attention and awareness to these forgotten parts of the spine, in order to re-establish more functional movement patterns and improve our sensory perception and control.

  •  12/04/2024 09:00 - 12/04/2024 15:00

After the three days of general training on locomotion, Patrick focuses on fellow practitioners: how to use the ideas from the training to improve our Functional Integration work. ///// After the three-day public workshop about locomotion, Patrick focuses on his fellow practitioners: how to use the ideas from the workshop to improve our Functional Integration work.

  •  13/10/2023 15:00 - 16/10/2023 14:00
  •   Paris, France

4 days of advanced training with Larry Goldfarb, intended for certified practitioners and trainees in their fourth year. Languages: English and French