Three years of happiness

In February 2019, I started my Feldenkrais training in Paris with the "Paris City 5" group. Diversity of trainees, open-mindedness, generosity, sharing of knowledge, experiences, enthusiasm, the happiness of participating in exciting sessions, supervised by an exceptional team. The harmony between the students and the attention given by our teachers created a wonderful environment for all of us to blossom.

(Paul Newton demonstrating with me the learning transfer of an FI on the belly for climbers. Paris, 2021)

The trauma 

February 2022. At the gates of our fourth and final year, relieved that Covid was finally behind us and carried by the proximity of our certification, we found out that the training was ending there.

Incomprehension, confusion... there was no way to find a collective solution for our group, which is shattered.

No one can do anything about it but the pandemic that made the training organization lose so much income, a trauma for both the organizers and the trainees. Everyone tries to find - or not - a solution to finish their training. The happy story comes to an abrupt end.

My teachers: my red thread

Once the shock was taken, I had to find a way to bounce back, to start again and finish what I had started at all costs. As a musician, I know the importance of the role of teachers in learning and I understood that this red thread should guide my future decisions.

While I was living in Germany, I had chosen to train in Paris because of the quality of the teachers; now I was going to travel around Europe to work with them.

Back and forth by plane, by train, by car... It was indeed a sacrifice, a lot of fatigue and expenses. But what a joy it was also to go and get the precious teaching for which I had committed for. Warmly welcomed in Lisbon, Munich and Lüdenscheid, I completed my fourth year and obtained my certification (Institute Feldenkrais, Lisbon) by the summer of 2022.

(On the certification day, my thank you speech to the group, the organizer and Paul Newton. Lisbon, 2022)

Conclusion: In addition to the fascinating content of the training days, I have gained tremendous experiences. I was nourished by the energy of the teachers, students, supervisors, I acquired increased knowledge thanks to the rigorous content and practices, and above all I found, through the diversity of the countries and training centers, what unites us all, the very essence of the Feldenkrais Method.

Feldenkrais and Paris: a new adventure

My choice was made. It is impossible to think of Paris without a Feldenkrais training. The city shines with its geniuses, including Moshe, Myriam Pfeffer and today her daughter Sabine. I packed my bags, abandoned my previous life and my job to build a new project.

This project grew in my mind and, when I dared to talk about it around me, it found an enthusiasm that gave me the courage to launch it. At first alone, then now together with others who have joined me little by little. Among these "others", there is the support, passion and joy of Anne Candardjis and Paul Newton, our two educational directors, but also the energy and enthusiasm of all those who allow us to start a new adventure.

(Anne Candardjis and I in front of the hall that will host the first Feldenkrais training of the CFFP. Paris, 2023)

Myriam Audin
Administrative Director of CFFP

Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner
Graduate professional violinist